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Responsável: Estefani Moraes Moreira (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)

Modo: À distância

Salvar atividade no Google Calendar Webinar on Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems

Resumo:  We study bistable reaction-diffusion equations in heterogeneous media. In such systems it is known phenomena of pinning – the solution forms stationarily front while bistable nonlinearity is asymmetric. With the change of parameters of the system stationarily front may transform to a traveling wave. Such bifurcation is called depining. It is believed that for periodic media the nature of depinning is similar to saddle-node bifurcation.
We study the case when heterogeneous media is ergodic, such assumption includes periodic and quasiperiodic media. We provide a set of conceptual assumptions under which we can prove power-law asymptotics for the speed with parameters depending on the dimension of the ergodic measure. The approach is based on invariant manifolds of dynamical systems in infinite-dimensional space, bifurcations in presence of symmetry group and ergodic theory. 

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