Palestras e Seminários



Online / à distância

Palestrante: Björn Sandstede

Responsável: Phillipo Lappicy (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)

Salvar atividade no Google Calendar Webinar on Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems

I will provide an overview of homoclinic and heteroclinic bifurcations in differential equations, geometric and analytic approaches to study them, and their applications to traveling waves in spatially extended systems. I will start with bifurcations of codimension one, which lead to periodic orbits or to chaotic dynamics, and then discuss bifurcations of codimension two, which often serve as organizing centers for more complex dynamics in such systems. Amongst the approaches I will discuss are homoclinic center manifolds and homoclinic Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction. The applications will focus on the FitzHugh-Nagumo system and provide an overview of homoclinic orbits that arise in this model.


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