Palestras e Seminários



Palestrante: Alexandre Fernandes

Responsável: Hellen Santana (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)

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The multiplicity of an algebraic curve C in the complex plane on a point p of that curve is the number of points on the intersection of C with a general line passing near p. One shows that p is a singular point of C if and only if this multiplicity is bigger or equals 2. In this lecture, we show the classic concept of multiplicity of singular points of complex algebraic sets (not necessarily complex curves) and we approach the nature of the multiplicity of singular points as a geometrical invariant under the perspective of the Multiplicity Conjecture (Zariski 1971) and results obtained in joint work with L. Birbrair, J. de Bobadilla and J. E. Sampaio. 




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