Palestras e Seminários



virtual/à distância

Palestrante: Gabrielle Nornberg

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Responsável: Estefani Moraes Moreira (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)

Salvar atividade no Google Calendar Seminário em Dinâmica não-linear

Resumo: In this talk we discuss existence, nonexistence and classification of radial positive solutions of a class of weighted nonlinear equations of Lane-Emden type. Our approach is entirely based on the analysis of the dynamics induced by an autonomous quadratic system, which is obtained after a suitable transformation.This method allows to treat both regular and singular solutions in a unified way, without using energy arguments. We also compare known results of the standard Hénon-Lane-Emden equation and differences produced when one replaces the Laplacian operator by a Pucci fully nonlinear operator. Joint work with Liliane Maia (Universidade de Brasília) and Filomena Pacella (La Sapienza Università di Roma).


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