Palestras e Seminários



auditório Luiz Antonio Favaro (sala 4-111)

Palestrante: Derek Bridge

Responsável: Maria da Graça Campos Pimentel (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)

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Abstract: Recommender systems are ubiquitous: from Netflix to Spotify and beyond. But recommendations should not only be personalized; often they need to be contextualized too. However, many context-aware and context-driven recommender systems use a very limited representation of context. We show how we use topic modeling to mine user reviews to obtain a much richer, open-ended context representation that we can incorporate into a context-driven recommender system.

Derek Bridge
Senior Lecturer, University College Cork. Principal Investigator, Insight Centre for Data Analytics
Derek has a B.Sc. from the Computer Science Department of Brunel University. He has a Ph.D. in computational linguistics from the University of Cambridge. In Cambridge, he was a member of Wolfson College, and did his research within the Natural Language Processing Group of the Computer Laboratory. He conducts research within the field of Artificial Intelligence. He is best known for his work in Case-Based Reasoning and Recommender Systems. He moved to Cork to take up his Senior Lectureship in September 1997. Before that he spent eight years as a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of York. Over the years, his teaching has covered many areas of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.


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