Palestras e Seminários



auditório Luiz Antonio Favaro (sala 4-111)

Palestrante: Roger Wiegand

Responsável: Victor Hugo Jorge Pérez (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)

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Abstract:  Let  K  be the algebraic closure of a finite field, and let  X  and  Y  be irreducible affine surfaces over  K.  Let  C  and  D  be irreducible curves on  X  and  Y  respectively.  Then there is a homeomorphism (in the Zariski topology) from  X  onto  Y,  carrying  C  onto  D.  There is an arithmetical version of this theorem, in view of the fact that, if  R  is an order in an algebraic number field, then  Spec(R[X])  and  Spec(K[X,Y]) are homeomorphic, equivalently, isomorphic as partially ordered sets.  (For a commutative ring  A, Spec(A) denotes the set of prime ideals of  A,  partially ordered by inclusion.)


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