A Wizard to Instantiate the GREN Framework
by Rosana T. Vaccare Braga

Advisor: Professor Paulo Cesar Masiero



University of Sao Paulo - Brasil

Finantial Support from FAPESP grant  98/13588-4


I have developed a Pattern Language for Business Resource  Management, called GRN, which guides the development of applications in the business  resource management domain. This includes applications for renting, trading or  maintaining resources as, for example, videotape rental systems, libraries,  hotels, retail stores, electric appliance repair shops, car repair shops, etc.  You can download the pattern language here.

Based on this pattern language, I've built a  framework to support the development of applications in this domain, called GREN  framework . Cincom VisualWorks for Smalltalk  is being used in its implementation. Objects are stored in a MySQL database.

Now I'm building a Wizard to support GREN instantiation, called GREN-Wizard.

The GREN Wizard

GREN Wizard is a tool that helps instantiating the GREN framework for Business Resource Management  (Gerenciamento de Recursos de  Negócios, in Portuguese).
The wizard was designed so that framework users need only to know the GRN Pattern Language in order to obtain the Smalltalk code for their specific applications. So, the interaction with GREN-Wizard screens is similar to using the GRN Pattern Language. You will be asked what patterns to use, what variants are more appropriate to your specific application, and which classes play each role in the pattern variant used. After, you will be offered several choices to proceed with the application of other patterns of the GRN Pattern Language.

Figures 1 and 2 show some of the GUI screens for the GREN Wizard

Figure 1 - Example of the GREN Wizard GUI

Figure 2 - Example of the GREN Wizard GUI

GREN  Wizard Design Rationale

The GREN Wizard goal is  to support GREN  instantiation for specific applications. The application developer uses this  wizard in parallel with the pattern language application, supplying information  concerning the variable aspects of the framework. Then, the code of his  application is automatically generated, together with a script for tables  creation in the MySQL relational database.

To model an application, framework users will follow the GRN pattern language. They will make several analysis decisions while using GRN (for example, the use of sub-patterns or variants)
As the Wizard GUI was designed based on the GRN pattern language, it is easier to adapt the GREN framework for a specific application.


The objectives of the GREN Wizard are:

Figure 3 shows the strucutre of the metadata used to hold the definition of each pattern of the pattern language, in terms of which variants are allowed by each pattern, and what classes and attributes belong to each specific pattern variant.
GREN Wizard Metadata
Figure 3 - Structure of the metadata associated to the GREN wizard

The developer can adapt the resulting code for requirements not included in the framework, and, to do that, he can use GREN documentation, which consists of class diagrams, class hierarchies, description of hot-spots and a cookbook for manual instantiation.

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