
  1. Ruas, M.A.S., Rieger, J.,Wik-Atique, R.G.
    M-deformations of A-simple germs from Rn to Rn+1
    Proc. Camb. Math. Soc., 2008.

  2. Nabarro, A.C., Ruas, M.A.S.
    Vector fields in R2 with maximal index
    The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, v. 58, p. 81-90, 2007.

  3. Ruas, M.A.S., Hernandes, M.E., Hernandes, M.E.R.
    Ae-codimension of germs of analytic curves,
    Manuscripta Math. 124 (2007) 237-246.

  4. Romero-Fuster, M.C.,Ruas, M.A.S., Tari, F. ,
    Asymptotic lines of surfaces in R5,
    A aparecer em Communications in Contemporary Mathematics.

  5. Ruas, M.A.S., Rieger, J., Wik-Atique, R.G.
    Real deformations and invariants of map-germs
    A aparecer em Banach Center Publications.

  6. M. A S.Ruas and J. Tomazella
    An infinitesimal criterion for topological triviality of families of sections of analytic varieties
    Proceedings of 12th MSJ-IRI Symposium "Singularity theory and its applications" , Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 43 (2006) 421-436.

  7. L. Birbrair, J. C. F. Costa, A C. G. Fernandes and M. A. S. Ruas
    Bi-Lipschitz Equivalence of Real Function-Germs
    Proc. Am. Math. Society, 135 (2007), 1089-1095

  8. I. S. Labouriau and M.A S. Ruas
    Invariants for bifurcations
    Houston Math. Journal, 32 (2006), 445-458.

  9. R. N. Araújo dos Santos and M.A.S. Ruas
    Real Milnor fibration and (c)-regularity
    Manuscripta Math, 117, (2005) 207-218.

  10. Rieger, J. and Ruas, M.A.S.
    M-deformations of A-simple Sigma n-p+1-germs from Rn to Rp, n>= p.
    Math. Proc.Cambridge Phil. Soc. V. 139, nº 2 , (2005) 333-349 .

  11. T.Gaffney and M.A.S.Ruas (editors)
    Real and complex singularities. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop held at the Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, July 29--August 2, 2002, Contemporary Mathematics #354, (2004),American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI.

  12. M. A S. Ruas e C. G. Tamm Moreira
    O lema de seleção da curva e o teorema de Morse-Sard.
    Matemática Universitária, Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática, 2004.

  13. Fernandes, A.C.G. and Ruas, M.A.S.,
    Bilipschitz determinacy of quasihomogeneous germs,
    Glasgow Math. J., January,(46), 77-82, 2004.

  14. Gutierrez, C. and Ruas, M.A.S.
    Indices of Newton non-degenerate vector fields and a conjecture of Loewner for surfaces in R4$,
    Real and Complex Singularities, ed. by D. Mond and M. J.Saia, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 232, Marcel Dekker, (2003), 245-253.
  15. Mochida, D., Romero-Fuster, M.C. and Ruas, M.A.S.
    Inflection points and non-singular embeddings of surfaces in R5
    Rocky Mountain Journal of Math. , Vol. 33, no.3, fall 2003.

  16. Ruas, M.A.S., Seade, J. and Verjovsky, A.
    On Real singularities which a Milnor fibration".
    Trends in Mathematics", Ed. M. Tibar and A. Libgober, 2002.

  17. Mancini, S., Ruas, M.A.S. and Teixeira, M.A.
    On divergent diagrams of finite codimension
    Portugaliae Math., (59), n. 2, 2002

  18. Mochida, D., Romero-Fuster, M.C. and Ruas, M.A.S.
    Singularities and duality in the flat geometry of submanifolds of euclidean spaces
    Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, 42, no. 1 (2001).

  19. Ruas, M.A.S., Saeki, O. and Zanetic, V.
    Maps of manifolds into the plane which lift to standard embeddings in codimension two
    Topology and its applications, 110 (2001), 265-287.

  20. Garcia, R., Mochida, D.H., Romero-Fuster, M.C. and Ruas, M.A.S.
    Inflection points and topology of surfaces in 4-space
    Transactions of the Am. Math. Soc., 352 (2000), NO. 7, 3029-3043.

  21. Marar, W.L., Montaldi, J.and Ruas, M.A.S.
    On the multiplicities of zero schemes
    L.M.S. Lecture Notes Series 263, Cambridge University Press, (1999).

  22. Mochida, D.H., Romero-Fuster, M.C. and Ruas, M.A.S.
    ``Osculating hyperplanes and asymptotic directions of codimension two submanifolds of euclidean spaces"
    Geom. Dedicata, Vol. 77, 305-315, (1999).

  23. Ruas, M.A.S.(Ed.)
    Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática, série Revista Matemática
    Contemporânea, Vol.12 , (1997).

  24. Ruas, M.A.S. and Saia, M.J.
    ``C^l-Determinacy of weighted homogeneous germs".
    Hokkaido Journal of Mathematics,Vol. 26, 89-99 (1997) .

  25. Ruas, M.A.S. and Laboriau, I.
    ``Singularities of Hodgkin-Huxley equations".
    Dynamical and Stability of Systems, Vol. 11, No. 2, (1996)91-108.

  26. Ruas, M.A.S. and Saia, M.J.
    `` The Polyhedron of equisingularity of germs of hypersurfaces".
    Real and Complex Singularities, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, no. 333, 37-48,(1995).

  27. Mochida, D.H., Romero-Fuster, M.C. and Ruas, M.A.S.
    ``The Geometry of surfaces in 4-space from a contact viewpoint".
    Geometriae Dedicata, Vol. 54, 323-332, (1995).

  28. Ruas, M.A.S. and Romero-Fuster, M.C.
    ``Some stability questions concerning caustics for different propagation laws".
    Portugalia Mathematica, Vol. 55, 595-605, (1994).

  29. Ruas, M.A.S.
    ``On the equisingularity of families of corank 1 generic germs".
    Differential Topology, Foliations and Group Action. Contemporary Mathematics, Vol.161, 113-121, (1994).

  30. Ruas, M.A.S.(Ed.)
    Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática, série Revista Matemática
    Contemporânea, Vol. 5, 1993.

  31. Mancini, S., Romero-Fuster, M.C. and Ruas, M.A.S.
    ``Stability and genericity of composition of maps".
    Matemática Contemporânea, Vol. 5, 29-51, (1993).

  32. Ruas, M.A.S. and Mancini, S.
    ``Bifurcations of generic one-parameter families of functions on foliated manifolds".
    Mathematica Scandinavica 72(1993)5-19.

  33. Bruce. J.W., Saia, M.J. and Ruas, M.A.S.
    ``A note on determinacy".
    Proceedings of American Mathematical Society Vol. 115, no. 3, (1992):865-71.

  34. Rieger, J.H. and Ruas, M.A.S.
    ``Classification of A-simple germs from k^n to k^2".
    Compositio Mathematica 79(1991):99-108.

  35. Mendes, C.M. and Ruas, M.A.S.
    ``Hyperbolic motions of conics".
    American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 94, no. 9, Novembro de 1987, (825-845).

  36. Ruas, M.A.S.
    ``On the degree of C^l-determinacy".
    Mathematica Scandinavica, 59(1986):59-70.

  37. Ruas. M.A.S.
    ``C^l-Determinação Finita e Campos Holomorfos de Morse".
    Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 57(3), 1985.